Doujinshi | Manga | Inflation Hentai | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#252153 - One of the other girls in the hunters group was playing with her buttons to see what would happen when she hit a small red one that started the machine to hum and whistle when nothing seemed to happen right away she calmed down only to feel the spike in her pussy slowly start to raise and enter her body, she began to scream but the men in white only looked on at her laughing as the spike traveled through her body and out her mouth, Looks like we have one less hunter for this hunt came the same voice over the loud speaker as the spitted girl was removed from her Jessica MachOne and taken to a roasting pit. I didn't volunteer Lina said laying there watching the man work on Stacey, Why are you here then? Stacey asked, I was caught steeling girl-meat from the local butcher, the butcher said it was over 40 pounds but I say it wasn't, no one believes you when your meat she replied and started to cry. THE END.

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