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#86258 - S. Sherman kissed the head of his cock, and then much like her daughter before her, hungrily took him deep into her mouth!!! Oh, my, he said weakly, you do that so well, just like Pam, you both are cock sucking experts!!! If you don't mind, she said between sucks, I'm going to masturbate while sucking you, another thing you probably already know, is that once we start sucking a hard penis, we have to receive gratification at once!!! Just like Pam, he said between pants, she has and unbelievably hot pussy that needs constant attention!!! Of course she does, dear, Mrs. Sherman sighed, she's a Sherman, and her pussy will always demand a lot of your time and effort, but I assure you, that your penis will have a wonderful time taking care of her!!! Steve continued to stand quietly in front of Mrs.

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